Post 1262: what Dougy does with the recliner when Andy’s out of the room…

The kitty boys love the recliner. It’s big, it’s comfortable, and it is a good kitty highway to other favorite spots in the room. It is only natural they squabble over it and try to make exclusive claims on it!

Andy went back to the guest bedroom, so Dougy quickly abandoned his ottoman to monopolize the recliner.


A quick look to make sure Andy won't spoil his recliner spiel!

A quick look to make sure Andy won’t spoil his recliner spiel!

Dougy notices something on the seat. A spider? (Ugh! Hope not!)

Dougy notices something on the seat. A spider? (Ugh! Hope not!)

Whatever it is or isn’t, Dougy gets his kitty on and pounces!

Whew! Just a litter box pellet! (Huh? That’s icky, too!)

Dougy needs to check for Andy again….


“That was fun!”

No Andy, so Dougy relaxes a little.

Yes, the kitty boys love, love, love the recliner! So do I.