Post 1543: trick or treats…

Dougy slept soundly while Andy sneaked box time in the new box. Ohhhh! Danger time, Andrew! Dougy came soon after. Andy pretended he was there – next to the box – waiting for kitty treats. Good move, Andy! I had to fork over the loot to complete the deception.

Dougy hopped into the new box, of course. In time – thanks to Andy crunching kitty treats next to the new box – Dougy picked up on the fact that he better get it fluffy butt out of the box if he wanted his share.

Dougy looked and looked and walked right over the treats and looked and found the mother lode of kitty treats, but still didn’t figure out the treats were under his feet for the eating! I even pointed them out to him! 


Good grief, Dougy! I even tossed a few in the new box. Andy’s going to be “horking” kitty treats if he eats all I’ve put out for two kitties!

Dougy takes the search to the table – over here, Dougy, over here! – then hops over two packages of kitty treats to get to the floor. I hadn’t intended to trick him out of his treats! He did it on his own.