Post 982: on Christmas Eve, in the morning…!

Andy decided he still prefers to hang out on top of the washing machine. I guess he finally realized how easy he was to catch in the sink, come medicine time! He is my clever little cat after all.

The room heater is above the washing machine, too, so this is a toasty spot for my kitty.

The room heater is above the washing machine, too, so this is a toasty spot for my kitty.

Of course, this is also a great spot to keep track of all things happening in the bathroom. Andy can command the space without lifting his head if he chooses not to. And everyone knows cats are about conservation of energy!

Dougy had to make his appearance in the bathroom, too, you might guess. He can watch birdies much easier from the dining room window, but here, in the bathroom, he can watch both birdies and his brother. Conservation of energy again: Dougy is a clever little monkey himself!

sougy in window 122415

Andy, Dougy and I wish you a blessed Christmas and best wishes for the coming year!

50 thoughts on “Post 982: on Christmas Eve, in the morning…!

    • A new patch of cat grass (Andy likes it) and lots of lovinm’. I’m not much for bringing more toys and things in that the boys ignore after a short time, so try to make life interesting by things like the bird feeder (not the one the neighbor put up, but the one I put up – they enjoy both).That sort of thing never seems to get old with the boys.

        • I’m not much for gift exchanges since a gift comes with an expectation of reciprocity, a tedious game of trying to match value for value. Invariably, one person doesn’t get the memo about keeping costs under a given dollar amount, and you feel bad because you kept to the low amount agreed upon, now look cheap. Of course, with two cats, this doesn’t matter. They are happy with whatever you give them, even if it’s a crumpled ball of paper or an unshelled walnut tossed on the floor for their amusemnt.

          • Sounds like you watch ‘The Big Bang Theory’ – that’s Sheldon’s feelings on gift giving to the letter! Have a great season and give the boys an extra scratch behind the ear for me, Doug!!

          • I don’t. I had a brother-in-law who turned Christmas into something like a potlatch competition. Even though we tried to limit gifts to one per person (except for children in the family), he’d go over board. By the time you opened your haul, you felt abused and beaten.You followed the one gift agreement; he gacve you presents from the family, Santa, each member of the family, and the family dog It took all the fun out of Christmas giving for me, something I never regained even after my sister divorced him or, later, he died. My siblings and I finally got Christmas down to sending each other a nice card with a letter, really all I need or want from family anyway.

    • And to you, too, Belén! I hope you are spared the sadness of 2015 in 2016. It’s always difficult to lose a pet, especially this time of year. I look forward to seeing what fanciful, imaginative things you create in the coming year! You have one of the more fun blogs I follow.

        • You aren’t dishonoring your late dog by having joy in your life again. I bet your late dog would be happy to see you smile and joyous again! I don’t know how I feel about getting a new dog so soon after your loss, but I hope when and if you do, you get a shelter dog or pup. Two blogs I follow are about or have shelter pooches in them: Anarette’s blog (with Ms., Zulu and the new pup Benji) and Maggie0019 (a lovable pit bull that many gave up on before her present people took her in and gave her the biggest chance for success possible – very inspirational story!)

          • I collaborate with an animal shelter in my city, from there came Ruty, my other dog. I know that will come more friends, you can be sure of that … they will always be my good friends.
            I know that Yako would like to continue offering a better life to these wonderful four-legged friends 🙂

    • Watched a 1957 color television program on cable yesterday and thought of you. It was Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby singing =Christmas songs. Der Bingle did a jazzy version of “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer” that certainly stopped the show! Anyway, I enjoy stopping by your blog for a connoisseur’s level look at Jazz. I don’t know how you manage to keep the quality so high or come up with new material all the time, but you do. It’s a great treat! Anyway, hope you had a great and blessed Christmas and have a wonderful 2016!

      • Doug, thank you so much for your nice words. Curiously me and the family were listening to Sinatra’s Christmas songs all night! I hope you had a nice Christmas as well! It’s quite easy to find new stuff for the blog, it’s my favourite hobby!

        • Frank Sinatra has been the star of the month on the cable movie channel here. They’ve been playing his movies back to back and honoring him on this his 100th birthday year, were he still alive. My favorite is “High Society”, with Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby, too, but “Miracle of the Bells”, where he plays a priest in a small coal-mining town in Pennsylvania was very good, too.

          • I see you know a lot about his movie career, I know some of his most famous songs, simply that! His Voice, musicality, timing and creativity,the way he told a story while he was singing, simply amazing!

          • His movie career tends to get less mention, though he was in several really good movies.He was a decent actor, too! (I don’t particularly like his Rat Pack day movies, but those of the 1950 and 1940s I do like.)

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