Post 1512: Locked out!

Dougy is anxious. Why Because the guest bedroom door has been closed all night! He wonders he going to get his beauty rest if he can’t sleep on the guest bed. Good grief! It’s almost 3:00 AM!


Nope! Still closed.

Dougy tries to make the best of it, but he checks that door regularly for change.


He comes back to the ottoman to ask me in Cattinese, “Mrow~mrow.” He wants me to answer when the door will be open again. Dang it!


[My Dutch friend Marianne arrived late yesterday afternoon after a very long day’s travel. We decided the kitty boys could handle being locked out of the guest bedroom for the night if it meant she could get a good night’s rest. Andy had no problem with it, but Dougy is impatient to get back in.]



44 thoughts on “Post 1512: Locked out!

    • After the first day (Marianne had a long trip to Nebraska and was very tired… ) Marianne left the door cracked enough for kitties to resume their usual patterns. They have been going in and out since I got up. (I’m working on my blog while Marianne sleeps, and the recliner faces the wall where that door is.) I can’t wait to ask Marianne if the kitty boys were an annoyance or tolerable last night! Dougy can be a pretty big pest when you are trying to sleep.

    • The doors cracked enough that the kitty boys can pester Marianne all night if they wish! I will ask her in the morning if she’s going to close the door again, but she’s a cat person. I suspect they will continue to have access to the guest bedroom.

  1. haha…aren’t they funny. If, the door was opened Dougy would probably look all around it and then leave. They like things the same….don’t ever move furniture either.
    Please forgive me for not getting to your blog so much lately. Making soups, loaves, muffins, cookies and anything else I can think of with the veggies is SO time consuming. The temps have hot -#C at the airport here so very soon it will be the same temperature here in the bowl. Prince George is in a valley, where the airport is not in the valley. Must quit yapping and get busy.

    Your friend,


      • True. very true! We will appreciate the work that’s been done. Right now I’m so sick of looking at a mess and veggies waiting for me. I have a ton of green beans and don’t know what to do with them. It’s not like I could make bean bread or cookies….don’t think anybody’d eat it. Any ideas?

        • Love green beans but there seems to be a limit to what you fan do with them besides can them and eat lots of steamed green beans in the meantime. I used to give a lot away to the neighbors.

        • LOL! With as many as you have, you must have quite a “flock” of cats waiting for you on the other side of the door! I live alone with the kitty boys, of course, so I usually don’t close the bathroom door (or my bedroom door). I always have company no matter what I’m doing in the bathroom, as I’m sure you can relate to. Since Marianne’s been here, of course, I do close the door. When I open it, there always are the two kitty boys waiting!

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