Post 1162: a look behind the scenes…

Thanks to Photoshoppery, I manage to get mostly presentable photos of life with the kitty brothers out to you. I decided today I’d show you how much effort it takes to take a typical photo of the boys from “as is” to kind of presentable. It is a horror story!


Whew! what a mess! Why didn’t I vacuum first? Or put the over-turned wastepaper basket back up? (Dang cats! There isn’t anything of interest in there!) Should I try for one or two kitties in the photo?

92816 before 2.jpg

Hmm. That cleaned up pretty well, but the background clutter will take some skill I don’t have….

92816 after.jpg

Maybe I can crop it to hell and back and get something…

92816 extreme after.jpg

Oh well. Cropping helped, but  I think that photo is a bit too much to make into a presentable posting photo. I’ll try later for something in a better, cleaner, less cat-ravaged spot!

[And you thought I actually knew what I was doing! Surprise!]