Post 1265: Caturday with Andy…

Andy had his medicine right away this morning because I caught him asleep on the dresser in my bedroom. He protested, of course, but took it down like the good kitty he is. Then he ran off and hid from me.

Later, though, he came over to the recliner, which I managed to claim before either kitty got in it, and couldn’t get enough loving from me!


Better pull your tail under the bed, too, Andy! LOL! I see you!

Better pull your tail under the bed, too, Andy! LOL! I see you!

Andy does this all the time. He runs under the bed to get away from me, but leaves his tail hanging out in the open!

Of course, Andy is a sweet-natured kitty who loves loving, too. When I managed to get to use the recliner before either Andy or Dougy claimed it first, Andy hopped up on the recliner arm for a major “scritching”, nestled in the crook of my arm.   

After all that attention, he was satisfied to roost on the back of the recliner! img_20170107_061520

Happy Caturday, everyone!