Post 1058: just a quick one…!

I thought I had some photos of the boys ready, but didn’t. Here’s a quick shot of Andy, however, since he (reliably) showed up and took his spot on top of my PC. Good kitty!

Andy's horns are up, but I think today that just means he's interested in what I'm doing.  Other times, it's a sign of mayhem to come. LOL!

Andy’s horns are up, but I think today that just means he’s interested in what I’m doing. I hope!
Other times, it’s a sign of mayhem to come. LOL! 

Post 1053: Gad! What I go through for that one good photo!

I guarantee every photo I post of my kitties is one of several taken to get to the one that’s adequate to post! I also guarantee that there are times (all too often) where “adequate” is “barely so”. Kitties just aren’t that easy to photograph when they aren’t in the mood to cooperate!

Then, out of the blue, one or the other will pose nicely and hold it.

Andy is a sleepy boy...!

Andy is a sleepy boy…!

Post 1034: A one-eyed cat waves at you…!

Andy just stopped by to take a cat bath.

...or to keep an eye on me in case I plan to put out kitty treats.

…or to keep an eye on me in case I plan to put out kitty treats.

While Dougy watches me from afar.

While Dougy watches me from afar.

Post 1014: Andy commands his post from atop the computer…

Andy loves the top of the computer. He can watch the scene with ease, even see around corners, thanks to a full length mirror.

Andy didn't miss the electricians who came to fix the smoke alarm.

Andy didn’t miss the electricians who came to fix the smoke alarm.

Yeah, he keeps a watch on me, too! Andy needs to know the who, what, when, where, and why of everything. Amazingly, he doesn't even have a journalism degree!

Yeah, he keeps a watch on me, too! Andy needs to know the who, what, when, where, and why of everything. Amazingly, he doesn’t even have a journalism degree!

"eyes of the news"! Well, he would be if he shared what he saw with Dougy or posted a blog. (Horrors, that!)

“Eyes of the news”! Well, he would be if he shared what he saw with Dougy or posted a blog. (Horrors, that!)

Post 1012: “Oh! I have a webcam that I can use to take photos!”

It isn’t a fix so much as another way to do the same thing. Yes, I can’t use an camera’s memory gizmo to put photos on my computer just now. But…! But I can use my webcam! It puts photos and videos in strange places, but I usually find them eventually, just as I did today.

I am reasonably smart, yet it took me several days to fugure out my Logitech webcam is a reasonable substitute for my camera till I get the computer drive F. fixed....! Hmmm.

I am reasonably smart, yet it took me several days to figure out that my Logitech webcam is a reasonable substitute for my camera till I get the computer drive F. fixed….! Hmmm.

For example, today Dougy was watching birds (pine siskins) outside the back window….

Intensely interesting stuff, Dougy thinks. Snack-sized!

Intensely interesting stuff, Dougy thinks. Snack-sized!

Here the handsome boy is in a full frame shot.

Here the handsome boy is in a full frame shot.

He got a bit tired following all the action. You would, too!

He got a bit tired following all the action. You would, too!

In some respects, the webcam takes better photos than the camera. Bad light, for example, is less of an issue with the webcam. Happy days! I’m glad I remembered the webcam.

Post 993: It’s 14°F out — a good day to shave the cats!

Andy's new haircut.

Andy and Dougy are on a schedule to get trimmed every other month. Unfortunately for them, this time landed on one of the coldest days of the season so far. Poor babies!

On the other hand, they were good boys once at the groomers, and, apparently, no problem for Athena to trim. Whew! Cat groomers aren’t that common. One truly needs to appreciate anyone who does it, let alone does it well. The boys are lucky that their groomers are both!

Dougy looks equally cute. In time, I’ll get a photo of him to post, too, but he’s napping after their long day at the groomers.

Post 986: Happy New Year!

It’s a chilly 22°F (-2°C) this New Years Eve afternoon. I have no intention of going outside except to get the mail, and then it will be as quick a maneuver as I can make it. I am cold-blooded.

The kitties are resting nearby. Andy’s on the computer and Dougy’s at my feet. My boys like to keep me close when it’s time for kitty food! 

Andy poses nicely for thius profile shot.

Andy poses nicely for this profile shot.

Poszt 979: Every Doug(y) has his day…!

“Woof!” as the household in-joke goes. Andy and Dougy flip their tails in glee when I woof at them. If anything, they have good senses of irony, if not humor.

That said, today is Dougy’s day to hog all the photo spots in my blog. He cooperated well, for a change, and I think he felt obligated to cooperate or I’d tell you how he woke himself up with a startled little “meow” and couldn’t figure out if he was dreaming he was awake or awake and dreaming. Jeez! He’s just a little kitty, folks! He suffered enough that I laughed when he let out his little yelp!


Here's a dignified version of Dougy on the ottoman.

Here’s a dignified version of Dougy on the ottoman.


Better, though he's resting his eyes....

Better, though he’s resting his eyes….


Maybe a little better, with his eyes kind of open....

Maybe a little better, with his eyes kind of open….


Oops! My subject got bored!

Oops! My subject got bored!


Dougy  leaves and all the life drains from the room. Woof! Woof!

Dougy leaves and all the life drains from the room. Woof! Woof!


Post 975: snowed in…

We got enough snow over night that the maintenance people where I live haven’t been able to clear the lanes and walks in time for me to take off for the military museum. I’m snowed in.

Drifted in....

Drifted in….

It isn’t deep all over, but there are drifts just outside my front and back doors and along the driver side of my car, which is parked across the snow-covered lane.  

It's worse on the driver's side....

It’s worse on the driver’s side….

The snow doesn’t change the cat brothers’ plans. They always have their fun, regardless of the weather outside.

Andy has the best plan: watch birds out the back window! Or me at the computer, whichever is mroe exciting at the moment.

Andy has the best plan: watch birds out the back window!
Or me at the computer, whichever is more exciting at the moment.

Turns out the museum is closed today anyway because of snow. I feel better about not making it to “work” now! 


Post 973: birds on the feeder…!

The boys discovered they can watch birds from the cat tree just as easily as in the window, and the birds stick around longer. Of course, the birds don’t have a big kitty a foot or less away like they do when the boys window sit!

Cat tree observation post.

Cat tree observation post.

I was able to distract Dougy long enough for a rare head on shot. He gave me half a second before he went back to bird watching. He has his priorities.

"Hey! I'm busy! Take your photo and leave me alone!" OK, Dougy. Just this once.

“Hey! I’m busy! Take your photo and leave me alone!”
OK, Dougy. Just this once.