Post 1284: snow day…

I tried to clear snow off my car and make a path to get my kitty boys to the groomer on time yesterday, but the snow was coming down heavily and getting piled into drifts by a stiff wind. It was clear that I wasn’t going to make the appointment.

I called the groomer, who rescheduled the kitty boys for a new appointment on February 2nd. It’s for the best. Poor things would have suffered the windy cold terribly after a haircut. For that matter, I had a hair and beard cut the day before yesterday, and I was very miserable after my short spell in the cold!


 Dougy and I took another look at the snow after the sun came up. He decided a better plan was to take clean up in the warm front room instead of venturing out as far as he could sneak.


Here’s a look out the back door. I couldn’t open it to take the photo because of a drift.


Yes, that’s snow on top of the birdbath! I guess it is about 10 inches deep or 25,4cm, and the snow was still falling and blowing.