Post 1449: Andy’s new perch…

I put a chair in the bathroom to make it more comfortable ironing shirts. Then I forgot to put it back at the dining room table. 

A little black cat decided that was a better place to hang out than under the other chair with things hanging on it over by the washer/dryer.

Cats rule, so the chair is where I forgot it till Andy’s tired of it. It’s a good place to “scritch” Andy without alarming him, anyway!

Then there’s Dougy, under the dining room table in the spot where the chair used to be. He wanted to play the chase game he and Andy invented. He located the colored cloth strip, but Andy was more into roosting and dozing on the chair in the bathroom.

20 thoughts on “Post 1449: Andy’s new perch…

    • Had a surprise this morning, though. Andy was sleeping on the bathroom floor and Dougy was under the chair that Andy gave up for the dining room chair he recently claimed. Cats!

    • Yes, it became a quick favorite of Andy’s. I think he is able to see me coming (to give him his medicine) more easily from that perch. The old favorite had a terrycloth towel to make it more comfortable. “Comfortable” seems different for cats than people, however!

    • Not to worry! They got their kitties on later that day. I know, because the colored strip of cloth they use in their game had moved to another part of the apartment.

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