Post 1783: Happy Birthday, kitty boys!

Hard to believe the kitty boys turn seven years old today but the math is simple: July 1, 2018 minus July 1, 2011. Yes, they were born on Canada Day, and they wish our Canadian friends and kitties a Happy Canada Day. They are pleased to share that birthday with such a nice place!

bonne fete canada


You want to know what special things we’ll do today and what they get for their birthday. I keep it simple. Kitty toys often are as simple as a peacock feather or a piece of paper on the floor. I don’t buy expensive toys for the kitty boys any more since they rarely play with them as much as they do, say, a simple piece of string.

So… it’s kitty videos and tuna water off the albacore. Frankly, cats don’t know what a birthday is, do they, no matter how much we want to impress on them the day is one for them to celebrate? We celebrate for them!

The kitty boys don’t eat the tuna itself – Persians have difficulty eating chunk tuna, so I’m going to mush it up, perhaps run it through a food processor to make it more Persian kitty friendly. It seems a shame they can’t get more than the water off the can on their birthday!

The cats of my life, in the order they came into my life: lower right – Freckles; upper right – Louie; left – Andy; middle right – Dougy.

I got Louie to be a companion for Freckles, who died after surgery to spay her; Louie died seven years ago August 1; Andy was offered to me when I picked up Louie’s ashes at the veterinarian clinic; Dougy and Andy played well together as kittens, and the owner of their mother offered him to me when she heard I wanted a companion for Andy.

I confess dogs were a bigger part of my life till I retired. The main reason I got Freckles was I wanted a pet that didn’t make messes and loud rackets in the retirement community where I live. She was perfect! Then she died. Louie died. I still miss them. They were great kitties.

But this is a happy day, one to celebrate the birthday of the brothers Andy and Dougy! May they celebrate many, many more! Their predecessors were with me for too short a time but I’ve had lots of time with the kitty brothers, a joy we celebrate today!