24Apr24: Andy’s ‘nipped…

He’s got the blank look of a ‘nip user, and he stayed there like this, immobile for several minutes.

He’s really twitchy now, my next clue.

He moved over to the lapboard and slept it off. Good ‘niip!


I couldn’t access the Internet on my laptop yesterday. It looked pretty grim because Spectrum tech support’s Jaimie wasn’t able to come up with a solution. I decided it was a good time to stand away from the problem and come back the next day. I have exactly no idea what I did differently today, but I have WiFi again. I hate computers! And I love them to death. 

Post 1867: Andy’s delight…


Andy is a bit grumpy…


…waiting for his home-grown, fresh ‘nip!

(Not to worry. He got his nip. No photos were taken, however, thanks to a smart phone failure. Frankly, neither kitty boy reacts in a cute way to ‘nip. Both make a face like they just smelled a skunk. Dougy runs away and Andy circles around my hand with the ‘nip till he adjusts to the stench – ‘nip has a really nasty musky stench in my opinion and Dougy’s – then he sniffs and licks and chomps down on the leaf. Dougy eventually comes around for his share, but he prefers kitty treats over ‘nip any day!)

Post 1854: Dougy’s decision…

Burst_Cover_GIF_Action_20180914010252 Dougy and I have a little morning routine. I try to update this blog, and he gets upset with me. Then I try to determine what he wants to do – brushing, which he love, love, loves! – wand toy, or lots of “scritching”. Being a long-haired kitty boy, that “scritching” is appreciated especially when I scratch that little spot between his eyes! (Makes him drool!)

Today, though, when I decided to sneak a GIF of me brushing him, he spotted a gnat flying by the lamp on the end table. He made his decision! LOL! But he didn’t get the gnat.

catnip4Andy and I have our morning routine, too. After the kitty boys have their breakfast, I give Andy his medicine, then treats.

Today, I changed our routine a little bit. I’ve been growing catnip in a kitty treat container Andy and Dougy emptied. It is just right for sharing with my kitty boys now, and Andy appreciates fresh leaf a whole lot!

Though Andy finds the smell of the fresh leaf overwhelming, he gets his kitty on, eats the ‘nip, which he love, love, loves to eat when I crumple it up, put it on the floor. RAWR! Fresh ‘nip! Good!

Being an introverted little guy, he doesn’t react in amusing, wild ways. Fresh greens, though, always are welcome in his world.


Post 1569: Did you sniff the catnip?

Andy looks suspicious…

…till he puts on his “kitten face”!



Post 1425: slow day today…

Dougy waits patiently for me to move. Not today, kitty! I want to rest. Maybe later we can play feather games or you can play with Andy. 

[Dougy was half in the light and half out, so he looks a bit odd in this photo.]

Post 1112: Deborah sent the ‘nip…and the boys appreciate it!

My friend Deborah send Andy and Dougy some of that catnip she grows in her garden in Maine, and it arrived in Saturday’s mail. The kitty brothers were amused!

"Catnip, boy! Catnip!" The kitties come running.

“Catnip, boys! Catnip!” The kitties come running.

"Inhale deeply, boys! It's fresh Maine-grown 'nip!"

“Inhale deeply, boys! It’s fresh Maine-grown ‘nip!”

I offer them their first taste....

I offer them their first taste….

Dougy runs off. He's not into 'nip as much as Andy, who pounces on the 'nip and puts on a show.

Dougy runs off. He’s not into ‘nip as much as Andy, who pounces on the ‘nip and puts on a show.

"My 'nip!" Andy covers his precious leaves!

“My ‘nip!” Andy covers his precious leaves!

Whew! Exhausted by content with this imported 'nip, Andy wears it off.

Whew! Exhausted but content with this imported ‘nip, Andy wears it off.

Yep! Time to try to walk straight. Or just lie there.

Yep! Time to try to walk straight. Or just stay in one place.

Post 1104: Deborah’s cats get a ‘nip treat…

Deborah of the cats-to-Paris post has good news for her three kitties: The ‘nip is flourishing! She writes:


My garden has done well this year, but the outstanding crop of the year goes to my catnip plant, which is two years old.

image (1)

It is in full bloom now.

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So I decided to see if the cats appreciated the crop.  I brought in a branch and left it on the door of the carrier that André has claimed as his home.

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But he is not the principal addict in the family.  Soon Charles arrived.
There was a bit of a scuffle.  Charles is alpha cat, but André got his turn too.

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Fortunately they know when to quit and call it a day, although not without salivating all over me and getting a good scratch on cheeks and tummy.


Thanks, Deborah! Not only do your contributions add a nice additional touch of black “cat-ness” to the blog, I enjoy seeing and reading how your kitties are doing!  


Post 1068: Andy has his way…Dougy pays the price

Andy got to play Neko toy without Dougy hogging the toy today. The way it usually goes is Andy has to wait till Dougy’s tired of the play, then hope I’m not so he can get a little play in, too.

He was magnificent! Hopping on chairs, jumping in air, catching and mauling the toy like a proper little tiger!

Dougy finally stopped by, but Andy was so wound up he did the only proper thing: He turned his hunting play on his brother. Poor Dougy! He got wrestled to the ground and given a proper thrashing! He didn’t know what was coming, let me tell you. Andy let him up then and chased him into the guest bedroom.

Andy on the prowl after Neko play and some catnip. He wants to kick kitty butt! Where's that Dougy??

Andy on the prowl after Neko play and some catnip.
He wants to kick kitty butt! Where’s that Dougy??

I dpn't get paid to tell you that my cats love, love, love Neko wand toys, and the centipede one is their current favorite.

I don’t get paid to tell you that my cats love, love, love Neko wand toys, and the centipede one is their current favorite.

After Andy beat him up, Dougy still wanted to play. He looked for his favorite in the light stand, where I store there current favorite toys for easy access.

After Andy beat him up, Dougy still wanted to play.
He looked for his favorite in the light stand, where I store their current favorite toys for easy access.

Dougy's hunting style is to hide (in plain sight! lol!) and snatch the wand toy as it goes under the recliner. Giving him credit, he DID try to get in the box while sitting on top of it. LOL!

Dougy’s hunting style is to hide (in plain sight! lol!) and snatch the wand toy as it goes under the recliner.
Giving him credit, he DID try to get in the box while sitting on top of it. LOL!

Marc-Andre of https://katzenworld.co.uk/ posted a comment on this post, I think, that I answered and accidentally deleted instead of posting. (Thanks, WordPress for making that easy to do!) The gist of it was something about his cats and fur flying because of the bad influence of my cats. I know that isn’t anything near what he wrote, that I thought his comment was playful and fun, that I’m pissed I blew it out of the water by accident, and, if he can recall his comment and resend it to me, I will try to recreate my first response, which had something to do with fur flying across the Atlantic. Gad! In the meantime, if you haven’t checked out Marc-Andre’s fun blog, please do. I think it is one of the more entertaining cat blogs on the blogosphere!

Post 948: A exceptional day at the window!

It’s rare both Andy and Dougy go to the window at the same time. “Personal space” issues, you know: “He’s my brother, but that means I don’t have to be nice to him if I choose!” Maybe it was the catnip….

Andy was there first. Then Dougy joined him. Something interesting outside, you bet!

Andy was there first.
Then Dougy joined him.
Something interesting outside, you bet!

Dougy decides to get a better look from the mini-stereo.

Dougy decides to get a better look from the mini-stereo.

Andy pops out from behind the blinds, but has to take a last look out the window.

Andy pops out from behind the blinds, but has to take a last look out the window.

Andy's curiosity is sated, so he leaves.

Andy’s curiosity is sated, so he leaves. Never one to waste time or energy, this kitty!

Dougy is pleased! Andy's leaving! "Don't let the door slam on yer tail!" says Dougy.  Hee! Hee! Cat joke, that!

Dougy is pleased! Andy’s leaving!
“Don’t let the door slam on yer tail!” says Dougy.
Hee! Hee! Cat joke, that! Andy hisses at his brother: “Stupid kitty!” He’s very sensitive about his tail.

Post 917: in which Dougy is a pest…

Maybe it was the catnip. Or maybe it was a wish to be adored and pampered. Whatever it was, Dougy hopped onto my computer desk and took over. What a pest!

Dougy's horns are up. I should expect trouble!

Dougy’s horns are up.
I should expect trouble!

“Acting innocent…”
Yeah, you bet!

“What’s up, Dougy? Why are you perched there?”
Dougy ignores me, but he takes over my work zone. I can’t ignore him!

“Was ist los, Douglas? Why do you torment me so? Eh!?”
Quietly he just sits there, 10+ pounds of resistance.

“You talking to me, human?!”
Dang, the impudence of this cat!