01Aug20: What’s up, Doug?


Andy’s curious. Why won’t I let him come around to the other side? 

Maybe it’s because he has “Itchy Paws” and all I need to start hyperventilating again is Andy to wipe out what little hard won progress I’ve made on the nightmare configuration issues on my new laptop and photo sharing from my smart phone.


Seems like I resolve one issue and bring up twelve more. I’m not kidding about hyperventilation! ( I hope the person who cuts my beard and hair is operating again soon or I might be tempted to do it myself. >self to myself< “Don’t do it, Doug!”) 


Post 1957: Dougy on the rebound…

Dougy enjoys a good brushing, then is exceptionally playful for the first time in several days. In fact, I was unable to get photos of him being playful because he was running around too fast for my smart phone camera! But he was having a good time, believe it.

Post 1853: “Please, let’s play!”

If Andy has his way, the multi-colored string game will commence as soon as he calls Dougy! “Mrow!”


I prod Dougy. “Don’t you hear the call to play, McDougall?”

Yes and no, but he soon gets up and runs to join his brother in wild play.





Post 1852: swingin’ Dougy…


Andy’s swingin’, too!


Post 504: I suspect there’s more to this than we might guess…


🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

This seems to be the day for oddness. I may as well add this message to the blog:

In this case you don’t know how to give for your dog is wearing a collar,
as I had a local dog training you do not have to be the Major concern for Dog Training.


I pointed out to the author that Dougy and Andy might take umbrage at being called dogs as they are Persian cats. Then I checked the post that the message was attached to. Pure non sequitur. Pure spam! Random madness! I deleted both the message and the answer, then decided you needed a “hunh?!” moment on top of the “hunh?!” moment at the very top.

Curiously, more irony, I added the tag “no cats involved” before I found the dog message. There seems to be cosmic settling going on. Or something!

p.s. WordPress is acting weird today, too. I should be able to update this without a new version going live to you each time. Sorry! This is it. No more updates, even if there are egregious misspellings, typos, inexplicable stuff that upset obsessive people, perfectionists like me.