Post 1134: random stuff…and cats!

Dialysis day. Takes lots of time, so here is some random stuff…and cats!

Dougy and Andy, for sure!!

Dougy and Andy, for sure!!

My messy desk yields a kind of sweet still life.

My messy desk yields a kind of sweet still life.

Hey, it's weggieboy!

Hey, it’s weggieboy! I think I’ll use this for my new Gravatar photo.


Post 1133: it feels like Caturday…

Today began on such a slow note, I swore it must be Caturday. Alas, it’s only Tuesday! But I can watch morning news programs that aren’t on on Caturday. And post some kitty photos because every day is Caturday when you have kitties! Woo hoo! Kitties! 

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There’s Dougy “GIF’ed”! I always manage to make these by accident, though I know where you tap to start the photo burst that becomes the GIF.

Of course, here’s Dougy watching our favorite morning news program…except when it isn’t. His ears are back because he can’t believe, erm, his ears! 

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A Crash Course on Finding the Best Food For Your Cat

It isn’t easy finding the best food for your kitty. This is a good resource to use tyo compare what you do feed your cat and what to verify on the label.

Post 1131: My handsome Dougy!

82816 dougy looks pretty these daysDougy was really clingy yesterday. I pet him. I held him. I told him what a good boy he was. I tried everything! Then I picked up the string toy he and Andy use in their little self-made game, and that perked him up! He wanted to play.

After a few minutes, he was sated and sat down. I took his picture because I love the way he looks right now. His smoke Persian characteristics are coming out in his pelage. My Dougy looks mighty handsome!

Post 1130: a tour through my dialysis day…

"Don't worry, Dougy...I'm coming back before kitty food time!"

“Don’t worry, Dougy…I’m coming back before kitty food time!” He marked me just in case some other kitty tried to take me in the meantime…!

Not to fret! There are kitties at the end! In the meantime, this is an ambitious look at a typical trip to the dialysis unit, featuring local landmarks, a view of the streets of Alliance, what I do when I go into the dialysis unit, and a trip home past two of the places the kitties go in their only outdoor times. Oh yes, the kitties! You get to see what I see every time I come home!

Home! Gotta leave you now, but I'll be back!

Home! Gotta leave you now, but I’ll be back!

Woohoo! Hope the police aren't around because Black Beauty and I love, love, love, to zip around this intersection of Third and Flack!

Woo hoo! Hope the police aren’t around because Black Beauty and I love, love, love, to zip around this intersection of Third and Flack!

Have to mail some letters, so I'm taking the Third Street route to dialysis.

Have to mail some letters, so I’m taking the Third Street route to dialysis.

Third and Box Butte Avenue. Turn right here to get to the post office...

Third and Box Butte Avenue. Turn right here to get to the post office…

Fourth and Box Butte Avenue. Turn right and the drop boxes for mail are right on the left. (Hee! Hee!)

Fourth and Box Butte Avenue. Turn right and the drop boxes for mail are right on the left. (Hee! Hee!)

I've posted a ton of paper into these over the years. Now I mostly e-mail.

I’ve posted a ton of paper into these over the years. Now I mostly e-mail. The building is the Alliance Times-Herald building. I get the paper by Internet now…. Can it still be called a “paper”? Danged if I know! 

Fourth and Niobrara Avenue. I turn north here to head to 10th Street. Lots of streets in Alliance are named after rivers. I started life on Missouri, spent most of my life on Mississippi.

Fourth and Niobrara Avenue. I turn north here to head to 10th Street. Lots of streets in Alliance are named after rivers. I started life on Missouri, spent most of my life on Mississippi.

Tenth and Niobrara. There's the iconic fountain in the Alliance Central Park. The display is more elaborate than what you see in the photo, and after dark it has colored lights. Neat!

Tenth and Niobrara. There’s the iconic fountain in the Alliance Central Park. The display is more elaborate than what you see in the photo, and after dark it has colored lights. Neat!

Tenth and Box Butte Avenue. There aren't too many stop lights in Alliance, but I hit all but two following this route, and three stop signs. There isn't that much traffic in town most of the day...!

Tenth and Box Butte Avenue. There aren’t too many stop lights in Alliance, but I hit all but two following this route, and three stop signs. There isn’t that much traffic in town most of the day…! There’s the hospital sign!

"Nebraska is flat." But Alliance is hilly. The north end of Box Butte Avenue is a long, steep hill.

“Nebraska is flat.” But Alliance is hilly. The north end of Box Butte Avenue is a long, steep hill. That’s Laing Park on the left.

There's Box Butte General Hospital! This is the new part that's just recently been opened. Very nice! I turn right again here.

There’s Box Butte General Hospital! This is the new part that’s just recently been opened. Very nice! I turn right again here.

Black Beauty will wait patiently in this stall reserved for dialysis patients. I'll be back BB!

Black Beauty will wait patiently in this stall reserved for dialysis patients. I’ll be back BB!

I go in this door. Since the area was torn up for construction, the grass hasn't been dealt with yet, but it will be very nice once they replace the grass. Don't think those benches aren't appreciated!

I go in this door. Since the area was torn up for construction, the grass hasn’t been dealt with yet, but it will be very nice once they replace the grass. Don’t think those benches aren’t appreciated!

Fear not! Angels in smocks await thee!

Fear not! Angels in smocks await thee! Never mind. I still have to weigh myself and tell them the result. Ick!

Patients weigh themselves and take their temperatures with that gizmo on the right edge of the photo.

Patients weigh themselves, then take their temperatures with that gizmo on the right edge of the photo.

Sooey! I seem to have put on some weight since the last time.... ("It's fluid weight," I tell myself. Probably is!)

Sooey! I seem to have put on some weight since the last time…. (“It’s fluid weight,” I tell myself. Probably is! yeah, sure! Yep! Fluid weight! Righto!)

R2D2 awaits me, all freshened up and blood free for me! (I joke about the blood. Or do I???) Mwawhahahhaha!)

R2D2 awaits me, all freshened up and blood free for me! (I joke about the blood. Or do I??? Mwawhahahhaha!)

Behind the curtain, I am transformed into...

Behind the curtain, I am transformed into…

Moi, the dialysis patient! Yet another four hours to go. I have the television or can sleep, read a book, or mess around with my smart phone, taking selfies. Life is grand!

Moi, the dialysis patient! Yet another four hours to go. I have the television or can sleep, read a book, or mess around with my smart phone, taking selfies. Life is grand! (Like the shirt? I have three more just as wild.)

Four hours passed fast. The slowest time is those ten minutes you apply pressure to your vampire pricks to staunch the flow of blood. Come on! Those ten minutes never end!

Four hours passed fast. The slowest time is those ten minutes you apply pressure to your vampire pricks to staunch the flow of blood. Come on! Those ten minutes never end!

That was fast! Didn't whine (much), cry, or fuss, and the session went rather fast, I thought!

That was fast! Didn’t whine (much), cry, or fuss, and the session went rather fast, I thought! Black Beauty awaits.

Black Beauty and I like to drive past the main entrance to the new part of the hospital because there is a curvy island to drive around. Zip! (At a slow speed, of course! >wink wink< )

Black Beauty and I like to drive past the main entrance to the new part of the hospital because there is a curvy island to drive around. Zip! (At a slow speed, of course! >wink wink< )

So i took the highway home since it becomes Flack Avenue at the town limits. Flack takes me almost all the way home.

So I take the highway home since it becomes Flack Avenue at the town limits. Flack takes me almost all the way home.

Hey, there's the Alliance Animal Clinic. Andy and Dougy's veterinarian works there. Hi, Dr. David!

Hey, there’s the Alliance Animal Clinic. Andy and Dougy’s veterinarian works there. Hi, Dr. Y!

And there's Murphy's Grooming Boutique! They give great service every other month to the kitty brothers. Hi everyone! The kitties love your teddy bear cuts!

And there’s Murphy’s Grooming Boutique! Every other month, the kitty brothers get a day at this spa. Hi, everyone! 

Ugh! One more light and there's a slew of vehicles to wait to pass before I can make my left turn onto East Sixth Street, then home.

Ugh! One more light and there’s a slew of vehicles to wait to pass before I can make my left turn onto East Sixth Street, then home.

East Sixth Street. The houses are on my lane, Lane Two. Almost home. (I skipped a stop light at the corner to my place. You've seen enough of them today!)

East Sixth Street. The houses are on my lane, Lane Two. Almost home. 

Be it ever so humble, here's good old Lane 2!

Be it ever so humble, here’s good old Lane 2! My place is in that white stucco building way down past the lady.

Woohoo! Back home and parked. Wonder what's behind the front door....?

Woo hoo! Back home and parked. Wonder what’s behind the front door….?

"Come on, Dougy! You know he expects us to greet him at the door!"

“Come on, Dougy! You know he expects us to greet him at the door!”

Here they come!

Here they come! My little furbuddies never disappoint! Dougy beats Andy to me. He’ll want to mark me fast!

Whew! You made it! I promise not to post anything this long again since it must have taken an hour to upload onto your PC or whatever. I decided to try this extravaganza post today as a test to see if a huge number of photos would upload onto my WordPress.

Obviously, they all did. I had to wait some time to do the deed. In fact, I went grocery shopping, put things away, and went out for breakfast at a local restaurant since I didn’t feel like making it for myself. When I came back, the upload was done. It finished sometime while I was gone.


Post 1129: where they are when I use the bathroom….

Anyone with cats knows there is no privacy. You can close the door, but there will be a pitiful mewing behind the door and tiny paws reaching under the door. You can leave the door open and your feline entourage rushes in with you.

Dougy waits outside the door so he can swat Andy when he rushes by. (Unless Andy waits by the door to...! Yeah!

Dougy waits outside the door so he can swat Andy when he rushes by. (Unless Andy waits by the door to…. Yeah! To swat Dougy!)

Andy rushes in to hop on an invalid chair in the bathtub. Dougy can't get him there!

Andy rushes in to hop on an invalid chair in the bathtub. Dougy can’t get him there!

All I can do is sit there while Dougy zigzigs around my legs, amking sure I am properly marked as "DOUGY's PROPERTY _ ANDY STAY AWAY! "

All I can do is sit there while Dougy zig zigs around my legs, making sure I am properly marked as “DOUGY’s PROPERTY ~ ANDY STAY AWAY!

Post 1127: Andy’s on the prowl…

Andy’s on the prowl today. What is it he spots? What piques his curiosity?

Hmmm. Andy seems preoccupied with prey! Has he spotted a spider. Or what?!

Hmmm. Andy seems preoccupied with prey!
Has he spotted a spider? An ant? Or what?!

He sp[ots me spotting him, and he hops on the recliner for the moment. (Sorry for the one icky flash tries to avoid this!)

He spots me spotting him, and he hops on the recliner for the moment. (Sorry for the one icky flash eye…one tries to avoid this!)

I ate breakfast in from of the TV today so I could watch early news. Nothing here for kitties, Andy! Silly cat.

I ate breakfast in front of the TV today so I could watch early news. Nothing here for kitties, Andy! Silly cat.


Post 1126: a busy day…

I visited an old friend in the hospital today. It was an enjoyable time spent talking about pretty much everything. I was encouraged Bob, my friend (and father of my good friend Ralph, the guy in Paris), was healing from a fall that resulted in a broken hip and talking about future plans.

Bob is 90 but he has a future! Keep that in mind if you ever feel down. A positive attitude might not get you to 90, but it makes the road a lot straighter. I felt like I’d been to church, I felt so upbeat after my visit with Bob. And I basically am a positive person.

That means, though, that I didn’t play around and try to correct the problem with my uploading of photos for this blog. (Dougy just stopped by and said “meow” in disappointment because he knows there are hundreds of people who want to know what mischief he and his brother got into today.) I don’t have something new, but I share this with you, more retro kitty photos:

"Mouse turds! He has the camera out!" Dougy realizes he's about to get flashed!

“Mouse turds! He has the camera out!”
Dougy realizes he’s about to get flashed!

Yes, that's Dougy in the cirtcle! Bad kitty! Very bad kitty indeed! He was a classic juvenile delinquent.

Yes, that’s Dougy in the circle! Bad kitty! Very bad kitty indeed! He was a classic juvenile delinquent.

Dougy couldn't can less.

Dougy couldn’t care less.