Post 327: Andy’s tub, in perspective

This should give you some sense of why Andy’s tub (on top of blue carrier, which is to top of the settee) is a hotly contested piece of cat territory in this household. Great height. Can see much of the apartment from this vantage point. The tub is Andy and Dougy sized, just right! Brother can’t approach the tub when it is occupied without making a bit of noise hopping up on the settee arm, so tub brother is “ready for Freddy” when his brother arrives to usurp the tub!

andys tub 2 2282014

Plus, Andy is making a rude gesture with his tongue. That should stop Dougy!

[Here’s what Andy was actually doing before the first photo:

andys tub 1 2282014


Post 326: Andy’s “gun”…

For those concerned with Andy’s health, know that he not only is holding his own, he’s in pretty good shape. Mrow!

Andy is a tough little guy. Check out his "gun"!

Andy is a tough little guy. Check out his “gun”!

Post 325: Andy’s doing fine, thank you!

He and Dougy both are slaves to their stomachs. Poor Andy! Even though he pretty much knows I’m going to give him medicine before I feed the two of them, he still falls into the trap of following me around so he’s always where I am when I prepare the cat food. Works out just fine: I can easily catch him for his daily dose of Benazepril!

I mentioned the “cat enchilada” method of swaddling a cat in a bath towel to make it easier to give the cat medicine. I meant “cat burrito”, though, honestly, there is not a great deal of difference. “Cat burritos”, I guess, differ in that they don’t need chile verde ladled over them. 🙁

Andy took his medicine like a big boy this morning, though he almost slipped out of the towel and got away at one point. Stuffing a “cat burrito” seems simple, but does require a bit of practice for consistent results.

andy on stand 1 27 feb 2014

After breakfast, the boys follow me over to the television where I watch morning news. Always. I’m as boringly predictable as they when it comes to routines. If they spoke English, we’d probably finish each other’s sentences.

andy on stand 3 27 feb 2014

Or talk about how Andy maintains his magnificent tail.

andy on stand 4 27 feb 2014

But more likely, he’d tell me to shut up so he could grab some winks on his light stand. Yeah, this is part of his territory, and it is deep inside the Dougy Republic.

The main thing is Andy’s doing fine, thank you!

Post 324: A video update from David & a great cat and kitten blog

There are days when I toss up my hands in despair…well, frustration, because I haven’t a clue about what to post. Today is just the opposite! I could do three posts very easily with what I want to do. I’ll combine two in this one, then work on the third one later.


David continues to do very well recovering from major heart surgery February 3rd. I think he looks and sounds amazingly great when you consider doctors split him wide open, chopped on his heart, put in a new part, then stapled him back together! No matter how delicate the operation actually was, it is amazing somebody said, “I believe I can…” and did come up with the protocol to repair hearts like David’s, in the way they did!

(I know he’s feeling a lot better because he wanders at first talking about things that are inconsequential when one knows our big questions are about that huge wound in his chest! 😉 I say that in a bemused way, not as criticism.)


I don’t get involved in blog awards because they have a chain letter feel about them. There are blogs, however, that are consistently notable for content, whether it be text, videos, or other elements like, well, extremely beautiful photography of some of the cutest kittens I’ve even seen!

The latter refers to one of my favorites: ThreeCatYard. I’ve attached a link to today’s edition. I highly recommend taking a few minutes to visit this and older posts to see how the two kittens, Rhea and Davout, captured my heart! Tell me you don’t want one of each after you see them in action! Impossible!

Especially cute in today’s ThreeCatYard is Rhea’s little cave where she’s been hiding out.

Rainy Night

Post 323: Dougy sneaks a snooze…in ANDY’s tub!

I mentioned in Post 322 how Dougy sneaked a snooze in Andy’s tub, but Andy spotted him and got him to move out with “The Staredown”. It seems Dougy learned nothing from that encounter.

Andy's in his favorite cat tree spot, distracted by a noise outside

Andy’s in his favorite cat tree spot, distracted by a noise outside

Aw! To lean back and prepare for a snooze!

Aw! To lean back and prepare for a snooze!

Dougy spots an opportunity!

Dougy spots an opportunity!

Woo hoo! While Andy snoozes, Dougy heads for Andy's tub!

Woo hoo! While Andy snoozes, Dougy heads for Andy’s tub!

So close! So close!

So close! So close!

One foot inside...!

One foot inside…!

"Victory! Scootch down, and it is mine!"

“Victory! Scootch down, and it is mine!”

The Dougy has landed!

The Dougy has landed!

Andy's oblivious to the territorial breach...

Andy’s oblivious to the territorial breach…

...but not I: "J'accuse, Monsieur Chat! J'accuse!" Dougy's perfidy is called out!

…but not I: “J’accuse, Monsieur Chat! J’accuse!” Dougy’s perfidy is called out!

"Plumes de souris! Je suis coupable des chefs!" ~ What else could Dougy say?

“Plumes de souris! Je suis coupable des chefs!” ~ What else could Dougy say? *

* Dougy could say, “Mouse feathers! I am guilty as charged!” So Dougy took a nap in Andy’s tub. Why not? Andy was sound asleep in the cat tree…!

Post 322: Andy takes on life…and beats tail!

Andy got the recommended (full) dose of Benazepril this morning before he and Dougy got breakfast.

I used the “kitty enchilada” (“papuss”!?) method of first swaddling him in a bath towel – the method I use when Dougy needs eye drops – then administering his tuna fish flavored medicine with the little syringe that comes with the medicine.

Andy protested a little, but actually was pretty good about taking the medicine. I hope this is a sign of things to come. More, I hope the taste is yummy enough he actually seeks me out for it, though that seems a bit of fanciful, wishful thinking!


andys new tub 2

Remember Andy’s new tub, the one I bought him so he and Dougy both had one? Theoretically, each would have his own exclusive tub, something that happens in Dreamlandia but not the real world of cat politics, even within a cat family where two brothers, Andy and Dougy, live in harmony in the same household.

That said, Dougy hopped into Andy’s tub this morning. He no sooner snuggled down, like Andy in his tub the first day he had it (above), than Andy was there giving him the ultimatum to get out. You know, “The Staredown”!

Amazingly, Dougy evacuated the premises, pronto. Andy didn’t want it. He just didn’t want to share it with Dougy. Dougy, little fart, ran over to the light stand that Andy likes to perch and sleep on, and threatened to take that over. He’s a bit bigger than Andy, who barely fits on the light stand. (Andy actually hangs over on the tail end, truth be out; Dougy, more so!)

Andy made another entrance. Dougy chose to face his brother with a big game of “You be the antelope first, then I’ll be”, a favorite.

For a sick little cat, Andy maintained a vigorous presence in the game, hopping, chasing, tussling, biting, stalking, throughout the full range of their domain. I was astounded and pleased because he’s been a bit lethargic of late.


In this old video (above), Andy’s seen playing with their second birthday present last summer. (July 1st is their birthday.) This morning, after he and Dougy played their antelope chase game, Andy went off to do Andy stuff, but Dougy still wanted to play. I brought out this toy, which, despite the advertiser’s claim cats always want to play with it, sometimes gets an “eh!” reaction from the boys.

Not today, though. Dougy exhausted himself on the toy, then ran off for a little snack. Andy showed up, then played with it, wildly chasing the “mouse tail”, clearly having lots of fun. I was and am encouraged!


Andy and Dougy hang out with me. Yeah, in the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, the…! Wherever I am, there’s a dark presence or two, curious about what’s up and how that might involve them. Any cat person knows the routine: You have no privacy! 🙂

When I watch the news, we are in Dougy’s territory as far as the floor, the ottoman, the icky Dougy-sized cardboard box, Dougy’s tub, and the cat lounger by the reserve carriers are concerned.

In Dougy’s territory, there are islands of Andy territory: the light stand, the recliner, and the top of the stacked reserve carriers. There is some dispute about this, perhaps preference, but I think the shelf of my computer desk technically is Andy’s territory, and Dougy gets the desk, though sometimes either cat might be out-of-place by this reckoning.

Last November, Andy got caught in Dougy's tub, which fell off the icky box when Andy escaped his brother's wrath...! Dougy quickly reclaimed his territory!

Last November, Andy got caught in Dougy’s tub, which fell off the icky box when Andy escaped his brother’s wrath…! Dougy quickly reclaimed his territory!

The boys negotiate and tussle their way through these territories as needed. Andy approaches his claim on the light stand by sneaking behind my glider, then leaping a good three feet onto the stand. If he wants to go elsewhere, he hops onto Dougy’s ottoman, then to the seat of the recliner. From there, he might hop on the reserve carriers or head north to the computer desk shelf to watch backyard birds. This last activity, of course, excites Dougy, too, so there mostly is a truce when both want to look out the window or Andy asserts his territorial rights.

That’s a lot of background to let you know that Andy’s been hopping around these territorial positions this morning, avoiding conflict with Dougy except when he wants to tussle. For a cat with a heart murmur, he’s been much his old self today. Yes, Andy takes on life…and beats tail!


This is a bit longer than usual, but there has been a lot of interest in how he’s doing. As of this moment, he is next to me on my beat up old computer chair washing his bum.

Andy washes his bum.

Andy washes his bum.

That's much nicer, Andy! There's your amazing tail, too!

That’s much nicer, Andy! There’s your amazing tail, too!

Post 321: Andy’s home!

Andy spent most of the day at the veterinarian’s. I went to pick him up at 4:00.

His veterinarian called me into an examination room to review the findings, showing me this two page document of test results that mostly were in the normal range, except for blood pressure (high) and platelets (low).

He explained the significance of these results, but I couldn’t focus…. The presentation looked like medieval plainchant notation, and the explanation largely passed over my head as I tried to grasp the significance of the aberrant test results.

Test results or Medieval plainchant?

Test results or Medieval plainchant?

There was no ultrasound test today, but there may need to be one down the road. I take Andy back March 17th for another blood pressure test and examination, perhaps to learn if the ultrasound’ll be needed to establish why his heart appears enlarged. At least that test is pleasant, though he’ll have to have a patch shaved in his fur to allow the test.

Andy was very ready to come home, and he was especially ready to eat like a starved kitten!

Andy was very ready to come home, and he was especially ready to eat like a starved kitten!

Best news of the day was that most of his test results were in the normal range. He is a young adult cat – two years and seven months old – so should be in relatively good shape. Still, I will need to give him a daily dose of Benazepril, a heart medication. I’ll have to look it up on the Internet to learn more about the drug.

Andy's medication can be flavored many different ways, and I decided to have it flavored like tuna fish since he likes that. Best of all, it is in liquid form.

Andy’s medication can be flavored many different ways, and I decided to have it flavored like tuna fish since he likes that. Best of all, it is in liquid form.

Even though I have full confidence in Andy’s veterinarian and faith that all things will work out, this has been a stressed out day for me. Yeah, but not so much as for Andy and Dougy, who moped around the house, looking for his brother all day.

(I suspect Dougy felt a little less happy to see Andy when Andy hogged the wet cat food when I put it out, blocking Dougy’s access to his portion!)

Best of all, though, Andy’s home! We missed the little guy.

Post 320: A slow fluffy snow day…

When it’s 19 degrees F (-7 degrees C) and there’s a slow fluffy snow falling, the best thing to do is adjust your pace to the day.

Yes, the blessing of a slow fluffy snow day…!

Post 319: Cattitude ~ Andy has it!

Wednesday, I learned Andy has a heart murmur and will need follow-up tests next Monday to establish future care. Yesterday, I stewed about my poor invalid kitty. Today, that same cat took on his brother in a manner reminiscent of the kitten wars when they were little:

Andy may have a medical issue, but he still has his cattitude! I am more confident now he’ll be OK in the long run.


Here’s a bonus Dougy video:

Post 318: mugging

Shortly after I retired, I discovered, one of several places where you can create custom designs on a variety of items. Though I’ve made t-shirt, a Louie the ginger cat calendar, postage stamp, poster, Christmas card, and business card designs, many just for my use, my favorites are coffee mugs.

New Louies Cape_Complete

Without a doubt, my cat coffee mug designs are my favorites since, well, my cats are great subjects, starting with the late Louie the ginger cat. My favorite Louie mug features this image, a combination of my photo and New Zealand friend Peter Studt’s droll super hero outfit painted on it.

That image made a great poster, too, which hangs over the settee:

Thanks to Andy, Louie the Ginger Cat as Captain Me-Ow is tilted in his frame! To live with cats is to accept a certain level of chaos and destruction!

Thanks to Andy, Louie the Ginger Cat as Captain Me-Ow is tilted in his frame! To live with cats is to accept a certain level of chaos and destruction!

There were others; there will be more.

Today, I added these two to my mug designs:

dougy mug

andy mug

I guess it is obvious why I might like these two designs for mugs! Of course, since today is the last day of a 40% off sale on mugs, I decided I needed two of each design. I have the design in 15 ounce mugs, but that is a lot more coffee than I want to drink at one sitting! I’ll use them for water or pencils, and the new, smaller mugs for coffee.