Post 1074: André the cat…or is that André the Olympian?

Remember the three cats that flew to Paris? Well, they’re back in America and my friend Deborah shared this about André, her kitty that performs feats of  athleticism worthy of an Olympic athlete! Of Deborah’s cats’ activities she notes:

We just had a whole-house cat chase.  These days, that only happens when I serve something that hits the spot with all three.  It’s my way of knowing it was appreciated.  It’s their way of communal rejoicing.
Charles the cat

Charles the cat, victim of the stained glass window incident…. Aw! Poor kitty!

How about André?

Other than that, André nearly killed Charles and me last night by knocking a stained glass window on us.  How? Only André can answer that.  He spends a lot of his spare time in deep thought about all the possibilities for disorder.  His father was also a devil cat.  Very clever with their paws.  He likes high places and the out of the ordinary spot.

Where's the kitty?

Where’s the kitty?

André is a very active Bombay kitty!

André is a very active Bombay kitty! (Is that redundant?)

What can I say!? If it were a box, we'd laugh and say, "Well, you know cats and boxes!" Same principle.

What can I say!? If it were a box, we’d laugh and say, “Well, you know cats and boxes!” Same principle.

You might guess André would "rest" up there!

You might guess André “rests” up there!

Thank you, Deborah, for sharing this update. As you might guess, I am a fan of black cats, and am delighted to know mine aren’t the only “devil cats”! 

Post 1073: Window shopping ~ on this the kitty boys are unanimous…

"Do you see what I see, Dougy? Andy's spotted something in the window.

“Do you see what I see, Dougy?” Andy’s spotted something in the window.

Ick! He sure did! A big, juicy spider!

Ick! He sure did! A big, fat,  juicy spider!

Andy fantasizes about what he'd do to that big, fat , juicy spider if it showed up in side!

Andy fantasizes about what he’d do to that big, fat , juicy spider if it showed up inside!

The boys agree: "Most satisfying, Andy! Thanks for the heads up!" Back to spider watching.

The boys agree: “Most satisfying, Andy! Thanks for the heads up!”
Back to spider watching.

Post 1072: Cat patrol! Dougy makes us safe while we sleep.

I fell asleep in the recliner and Andy joined me on the stacked carriers next to the recliner.

When I woke up, Andy was still a sleepy boy, but Dougy was roaming the apartment on his night-time kitty patrol. Never know, you know…there might be something to eat! Or catch and play with. Or the human might wake up and skritch you when you hop on the arm of the recliner! Dougy worked it out!

(Of course, Dougy woke me up when he landed on the arm, but the result was exactly what he wanted. I woke up with a kitty tail in my face. LOL!)

Dougy woke me up to give him a scritching. I decided since I was awake to do some stuff on the computer. Andy woke up and joined me on the computer desk. Then he fell asleep again!

Dougy woke me up to give him a scritching.
I decided since I was awake to do some stuff on the computer.
Andy woke up and joined me on the computer desk. Then he fell asleep again!

Dougy checked out the living room from his recliner look out, then continued his kitty patrol. Andy and I are safe from the boogeyman tonight! Dougy's on duty!

Dougy checked out the living room from his recliner look out, then continued his kitty patrol.
Andy and I are safe from the boogeyman tonight! Dougy’s on duty!

Post 1071: Whew! The peaceable kingdom returns to my computer desk!

The kitty boys have spent the past week sorting out which is top cat, with the attendant extra fur clumps on the carpet. No harm done, of course, other than to egos. (I think Andy won this round.) With that in mind, I was surprised when Dougy came onto the computer desk through Andy’s territory, stepped over Andy, and joined me on the lower shelf, Dougy’s spot since he was a wee fart.

Shortly after Dougy arrived, they both watched birds out the back window. I had to take this photo!

Shortly after Dougy arrived, they both watched birds out the back window.
I had to take this photo!

The flash alerted the boys to my intentions, so Dougy closed his eyes for this one. Of course!

The flash alerted the boys to my intentions, so Dougy closed his eyes for this one. Of course!

I almost got a shot with eyes open. Well, close enough!

I almost got a shot with eyes open. Well, close enough!


One day a person can be fit as a fiddle and on top of the world without a care in the world and the next day the same person can be devastated by something that happens out of the blue to either change that person’s life or that causes that person to lose control of […]

via In The Blink Of An Eye — THE RIPENING WANDERER

Post 1070: Every Dougy has his day…again!

After a long day of chasing Andy, tipping over wastepaper baskets, destroying furniture, begging for a good scritching, and eating kitty food, Dougy is plain worn out.

Whew! A kitty’s responsibilities weigh heavily on Dougy. He’s just a little kitty! So he takes a break for a snooze in his favorite plastic tub, the first one he claimed.

Dougy dreams of kicking kitty butt!

Dougy dreams of kicking kitty butt!

Post 1069: Caturday started with a call to play…

Andy sat beside me on the computer. He wanted to play!

Andy sat beside me when I was on the computer. He wanted to play!

Dougy sat in the dark, intrigued but not ready to play. The wand toy sat there, tempting him to come on in!

Dougy sat in the dark, intrigued but not ready to play.
The wand toy sat there, tempting him to come on in!

Dougy looks around for some mischief to get in. (Oh, that was his plan!)

Dougy looks around for some mischief to get in. (Oh, that was his plan!)

Andy is patiently waiting for Dougy to come to the game...!

Andy patiently waits for Dougy to come to the game…!

Dougy looks like he might change his plan to be naughty. Andy and he love the excitement of their game!

Dougy looks like he might change his plan to be naughty.
Andy and he love the excitement of their game!

Sorry, Andy. Dougy decided to watch birds in the fir in the backyard instead.

Sorry, Andy. Dougy decided to watch birds in the fir in the backyard instead.

"Rasts!" said Andy as he turned to go watch birds from the guest bedroom window.

“Rats!” said Andy as he turned to go watch birds from the guest bedroom window.

Post 1068: Andy has his way…Dougy pays the price

Andy got to play Neko toy without Dougy hogging the toy today. The way it usually goes is Andy has to wait till Dougy’s tired of the play, then hope I’m not so he can get a little play in, too.

He was magnificent! Hopping on chairs, jumping in air, catching and mauling the toy like a proper little tiger!

Dougy finally stopped by, but Andy was so wound up he did the only proper thing: He turned his hunting play on his brother. Poor Dougy! He got wrestled to the ground and given a proper thrashing! He didn’t know what was coming, let me tell you. Andy let him up then and chased him into the guest bedroom.

Andy on the prowl after Neko play and some catnip. He wants to kick kitty butt! Where's that Dougy??

Andy on the prowl after Neko play and some catnip.
He wants to kick kitty butt! Where’s that Dougy??

I dpn't get paid to tell you that my cats love, love, love Neko wand toys, and the centipede one is their current favorite.

I don’t get paid to tell you that my cats love, love, love Neko wand toys, and the centipede one is their current favorite.

After Andy beat him up, Dougy still wanted to play. He looked for his favorite in the light stand, where I store there current favorite toys for easy access.

After Andy beat him up, Dougy still wanted to play.
He looked for his favorite in the light stand, where I store their current favorite toys for easy access.

Dougy's hunting style is to hide (in plain sight! lol!) and snatch the wand toy as it goes under the recliner. Giving him credit, he DID try to get in the box while sitting on top of it. LOL!

Dougy’s hunting style is to hide (in plain sight! lol!) and snatch the wand toy as it goes under the recliner.
Giving him credit, he DID try to get in the box while sitting on top of it. LOL!

Marc-Andre of posted a comment on this post, I think, that I answered and accidentally deleted instead of posting. (Thanks, WordPress for making that easy to do!) The gist of it was something about his cats and fur flying because of the bad influence of my cats. I know that isn’t anything near what he wrote, that I thought his comment was playful and fun, that I’m pissed I blew it out of the water by accident, and, if he can recall his comment and resend it to me, I will try to recreate my first response, which had something to do with fur flying across the Atlantic. Gad! In the meantime, if you haven’t checked out Marc-Andre’s fun blog, please do. I think it is one of the more entertaining cat blogs on the blogosphere!

Post 1067: morning at the cat house…

We start our day early here (middle of the night…) so that the day is half over by the time the sun comes up. It seems reasonable, then, that the kitty boys are more interested in low-energy activities like watching birds out the window or door… or sleeping.

Andy turns on his laser eyes in case I try to pick him up to give him loving!

Andy turns on his laser eyes in case I try to pick him up to give him loving!

Though Dougy always tries to avoid getting camera flash, sometimes I just catch him asleep. He's been eating - notice the kitty food crumbs clinging to his face?

Though Dougy always tries to avoid getting camera flash, sometimes I just catch him asleep.
He’s been eating – notice the kitty food crumbs clinging to his face?

Did I say "kitty food"!? The power of suggestion sends Andy to the kitty food for a light snack.

Did I say “kitty food”!? The power of suggestion sends Andy to the kitty food for a light snack.


Post 1066: What are they doing now?

Andy and Dougy have a game they play. The rules are unclear other than a favorite wand toy seems to be the gauntlet that starts the game. Once the game’s “on”, though, the gauntlet plays no other part. Strange!

I know the game is “on” when the wand toy suddenly appears out of hiding.

Oh oh! Andy's put out the gauntlet!

Oh oh! Andy’s put out the gauntlet!

Dougy came running because he heard the call to play the game.

Dougy came running because he heard the call to play the game.

Andy 's presence before the wand toy is a slap in Dougy's face!

Andy ‘s presence before the wand toy is a slap in Dougy’s face!

A few tense moments to go before the game gets wild!

A few tense moments to go before the game gets wild!

There are endless variations in the game after the play starts, but the basic plan is to chase each other till they are tired of it.