Post 2038: the surprise…

Imagine Andy’s surprise when he comes running out of the guest bedroom, hops on the recliner… and Dougy’s there! Uh oh!

Andy manages to escape to the computer desk by the long route. Safely on the all-in-one machine, he is high enough to see Dougy…

…now watching from the recliner footrest, still warm from Andy’s wee behind. Dougy can see that Andy knows he knows Andy knows he knows that Andy knows that he knows that Andy knows that… – whew! Well, once again they did a lot of knowing! It’s not easy being a kitty!

So tiring is this encounter, Andy barely keeps his eyes open. He’s fast asleep seconds later, sleeping the sleep of the little angel he is!

Dougy had the recliner first. Now he has to keep alert and awake unless he wants to risk losing it to Andy. Duh-duh-duhhhhh! Andy! (Anyone tell you Andy’s asleep, Dougy?)

Post 2036: Dougy shows the mockingbird!

The mockingbird made its appearance and promptly taunted Dougy…

…but Dougy shows the mockingbird! He got up and left the room!

Post 2035: cat’s in the cradle…

When Andy and Dougy were young, I bought a pet stroller. Though they never liked riding inside it, they both thought the top of the stoller was one fine place to sleep! It’s been unavailable of late because I put it in my bedroom. I keep the door closed because it has too many great hiding places for Andy when it’s “Kitty Medicine Time”.

I needed a new pad of checks, which I keep in the bedroom, and Dougy quickly followed me in. He hopped up on the stroller and found a comfortable position, then conked out. Zzzzz! Glad I happened to have my smart phone on hand to catch the “action’!

In past, this stroller served as a play platform as well!

Post 2034: truce…

The kitty boys can play well together, but they usually play “king of the mountain” over the recliner. Who knows what’s up? Amdy cleans up and Dougy relaxes on the seat. Will chaos ensue?

Uh oh! Seems Andy’s about to chase Dougy….

I guess not. Andy has his favorite spot on the recliner back and Dougy has his on the seat. No need to settle anything!

Post 2033: bedtime for Andy…

Sleepy boy! Andy is on the edge of sleep…and the recliner back!

He may already be in Slumber Land!

No doubt about it now. Sleep little angel, sleep!

Post 2031: It’s the human’s fault..!

It was a bonanza day for two fans of “My Cat From Hell“. They showed hours worth of old programs, one after another!

Dougy thought, “I can do that!” Doug (the human) thought, ” Maybe it isn’t a good idea to let Dougy watch this program, let alone one after another.”

“Good!” Doug (the human) thought. “They’ve added features on good kitties. Maybe Dougy will pick up on good behavior instead.”

I can’t believe that wimpy cat!” Dougy isn’t impressed with the good kitty. Uh oh!

Post 2030: the hunt’s on…

Just a review: Dougy finds his new nemesis, the mockingbird, a pain in the neck!

Yesterday, the mockingbird took his annoying behavior to a new level. Dougy was not amused!

Dougy spotted the mockingbird fluttering around his favorite box. Too much! Dougy waits. He will get that rascal here. Then – you will not be surprised – KILL! Kitty pride must be maintained.


[What Dougy doesn’t realize is there is a Mr. Mockingbird and a Mrs. Mockingbird! He’s yellow, and she’s brown. They both gang up on him and he’s just one kitty!]

Post 2029: hurt feelings…

The mockingbird continues to torment poor Dougy. His feelings are hurt!

“Awwww! I’m sorry Dougley! Can I make it better?” Dougy’s feathers are ruffled, so to speak.

>Purr! Purr!< Oh yeah, all is forgiven!