Post 1214: Would you believe the recliner’s still in contention?

Jeez! Andy and Dougy continue their recliner war today. Some of us (me) are getting a bit tired of the kitty boys’ “war”!


Andy notices Dougy’s soliciting support for a take over….111816 andy views dougy suspiciously.jpg

Dougy is mad! He wants that dang recliner, folks!111816 dougy is mad.jpg

Checking with me first for approval…111816 doug wants my approval.jpg

…or whatever support he can get, Dougy stages eye contact with Andy! Ears back, it’s ON!!111816 dougy confronts andy.jpg

The coup is on!111815 an unexpected coup.jpg

Dougy glares at Andy (off camera)….111816 dougy looks out after taking chair.jpg

“MINE!” he proclaims after a successful recliner seizure.111816 dougy says mine.jpg

That’s Caturday this week. The kitty boys don’t share well when it’s a prize like the recliner!