Post 1225: Andy can’t wait for Dougy to leave!

We all know how Dougy gets when you intrude on “his” places! Well, Andy has his places, too, but he’s more subtle about how he deals with Dougy’s intrusions.

In this instance, Dougy is on his place on the computer desk but he had to hop through Andy’s place to get there. Believe it, he woke Andy up and Andy is not pleased!


Oh no! Andy wants me to intervene! Dougy is oblivious, as he often is, or, maybe he’s just being a little poop toward his brother.113016-andy-looks-to-me-for-support-dougy-is-oblivious-1

Andy taps his foot, figuratively. Dougy surely knows Andy’s unhappy!113016-andy-WAITS-Dougy-hangs-on-2

Tap! Tap! Tap! Maybe Andy will have to get proactive on Dougy’s tail!113016-andys-impatient-dougy-starts-to-look-bored-3

Maybe Dougy’s getting the hint. Or maybe he’s teasing Andy.113016-third-from-last-5

Andy is hopeful. Dougy’s getting ready to jump off the desk!113016-dougy-looks-like-hes-leaving-andy-watches-4

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Andy is in kitty dreamland!113016-dougs-gone-andy-can-sleep

Yes, Dougy jumped!