Post 2156: kitty burrito…

It was veterinarian appointment day on the 14th. Charlene didn’t have any problem coaxing Andy out of the carrier or weighing him.

He was a little less happy about this part!

Checking his heart…

…then getting ready to make a break for it when he realizes something he really, really, really hates is about to happen!

Yes, the dreaded blood pressure checks! Here the storyboard breaks down: Andy had a major kitty tantrum, lashing out and trying to bite.

I suggested the kitty burrito approach, swaddling him in a towel. That worked as far as the tantrum issues went, but his blood pressure was out of sight – above 200 systolic on all measurements!

Of course, he’s still going to be on medication, though I’m sure a lot of the high blood pressure isn’t related to a medical condition. I did suggest the blood pressure part of the appointments, in future, be done first. It might not show his blood pressure in the normal range, but I suspect it would be at a healthier level than it was today.


His new medication will be both the current ones in a gel I rub inside his ear.



Post 2154: Boop!

What do you do when your cat is being an irritation by staring, staring, staring at you?


Hey, Andy!



Yes, right on the nose shortly after this photo was taken!

Post 2153: tit for tat or quid pro quo…

I scritch Dougy’s head, then he hops up on my lap and kneads my chest. Happy! Happy!


A note from my sister on your condolences on the late Molly’s passing:

Please thank your bloggers for the condolences, and now Molly’s and Sox’s memories will be together in Elbert’s garden.  That is such a kind thing they do.

Post 5152: What’s up, Dougy?

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Andy’s curious about his brother. What’s up, Dougy?


What do you suppose, Andrew!

Lick! Lick! Lick!


Check this move out, Andy!

Woo hoo! Lick! Lick! Taking care of  his “precious”. Andy’s impressed!

Dougy puts on a fine show of catsmanship for Andy and Doug.




Post 2151: begging for attention…

Silly cat! Dougy hinted he wanted me to rub his head and face, then assumed this position with one eye open to keep track of me till I did it. Creepy!

This was his position at the start of his campaign to get rubs. Then he did a huge stretch that brought his hind legs together. What you can’t see is he held his front legs close together and waved them to try to get me to do my duty. Yes, after I took the photos, I gave him lots of face and head rubs. I threw in ear scritches for good measure. Dougy was pleased! 

(Even though the kitty boys got shorter than usual haircuts the last time, I’m amazed how floofy they still look.)

Post 2150: a full load…

Andy found his happy place some months ago…


…and if I’d only leave him alone, he could have a long snooze~! He took a four and a half hour nap after this series of photos was taken. The washing machine is a perfect kitty happy place, according to Andy, though I do make sure no kitty’s in it before I wash clothes.

louie in drier

Louie the ginger cat used to hop into the dryer for his snooze. It was a different combo washer-dryer. He climbed up there his last night. That was where I found his body the next morning.



Post 2149: Molly the tuxedo kitty girl…

molly 1

It’s a sad time in the family. My sister in Seattle learned her cat, Molly the tuxedo kitty girl, has a terminal cancer in her throat. Molly came into Kathy’s life during the time Sox the tuxedo kitty boy went missing for ten months. She was an older shelter kitty, a sweet-natured, fun kitty, and she’s enjoyed a happy home with my sister the last years of her life. When Sox was dying of terminal cancer, Molly comforted and cuddled with him. Now it’s my sister’s time to comfort Molly in her last moments. Good kitty, Molly. 

My sister sent me this update on Molly later today: 

Molly’s veterinarian called me this afternoon and said he had some good news about Molly.  Tests showed that her kidney disease has improved in every way since her last test. It’s kind of ironic her kidneys are doing well but now she has a tumor in her throat.  He asked how she was doing and said that the antibiotics and fluid he gave her yesterday should help with the infection (but not stop the cancer) and if she is comfortable, I could wait a week, or two at the most, before having her euthanized.  Yesterday, he was thinking I should do it today or tomorrow but she seems too alert to rush into it.  Her main problem is eating, and I try to feed her very small meals several times a day, but as soon as she no longer eats or is in pain, I won’t hesitate to tell her good bye.  I have to think about her first.


On February 11, 2020, I received this final note from my sister:

As of 6:30 tonight, Molly is no longer with me.  She took a turn for the worse today and I didn’t want her to suffer any longer.  It was so hard to take her to the veterinarian, knowing that I would never see her again. I was glad I stayed and watched her last breath.  She looked so peaceful and beautiful.  I didn’t stay with Sox until the end.  I still think about him and will always remember my special Kitty Girl too.

RIP Molly the tuxedo kitty girl.


Post 2148: the shortest distance…


Andy understands *Euclidean geometry!

The shortest distance from the recliner to the end table is…


…a straight line across my laptop.

* Andy is one smart kitty boy!