Post 1339: What a busy day! The kitty boys go to the groomers and more…

I almost forgot the kitty boys had a groomers’ appointment for Tuesday. In fact, I was thinking it was for Thursday, but got a reminder from the groomers’ this morning. I managed to get them there on time, then took care of some other business while they enjoyed their bath and trim.


I visited my friends at the military museum while the kitty boys were at the groomers. That’s where I got the call they were ready to be picked up. I decided to bring them down to the museum for Suzie and Val to see with their new hair styles!

 I didn’t let them out of the carrier, of course, because there are many places they could hide in the museum. The friends at the museum thought they were cute, of course,so compliments received, the kitty boys and I headed home.

Andy and Dougy definitely were happy to be home!

Dougy was naughty, of course, and got on the dining room table, where he continued his job of messing up papers and things. I was working on taxes, so really appreciated him being there checking things out!

Dougy didn’t miss much!

Andy stopped by to meow his desire for some kitty treats. He’d been a good kitty all morning after all! 

Dougy was a good boy, too, so he joined in on the treats. (He’s in the upper photo in the upper part of that photo in this mosaic. I must have forgotten to take a photo when he was eating his treats, too.)

18 thoughts on “Post 1339: What a busy day! The kitty boys go to the groomers and more…

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    • Let my followers respond to this comment. I find writing exhilarating, fun, and hope people reading them sense the fun and the humor I inject into them.

      Readers: what do you think? Is CarlX on track or am I satisfying your kitty needs?

    • It’s a mini running of the bulls at Pamplona, and you best better not be in front of the carrier when I open the door! Yes, the groomers do a great job with the kitty boys’ haircuts!

  2. Andy and Dougy look great. I wish I could find a groomer that good around here. Poor Snowball looks like ET after she gets groomed.

    • It’s a section of an historic cottonwood in the city park that was blown over in a severe wind/rainstorm. It was huge and beloved, so they offered slices to anyone who wanted them. A small fee was charged, and I bought two. The one I used outdoors pretty much is toast, and the indoor one serves Andy well as a dinner table for his “good kitty” treats!

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