Post 1219: Dougy sees his veterinarian…

Dougy and I took a trip to see his veterinarian yesterday. Dougy protested the carrier, of course, but he was a very good boy on the examination table. His veterinarian, Dr. Y., was pleased with Dougy’s eye since he saw a vast improvement over last Friday. Just in case he hadn’t seen the photo I e-mailed the clinic, I printed out an enlargement of the “last Friday eye” to show him. He had, but it still had a purpose. It went into Dougy’s medical folder.


Dougy relaxed by the open front door after we returned from the visit with Dr. Y.112316 dougy home again.jpg

Here’s his “last Friday eye”…111916 dougys sick eye 2.jpg

…and his “next Wednesday eye”.112316 dougys eye one week later.jpg

It still is healing, but the eye is free of problems that could cause permanent harm. It’s still a bit a”goopy”, but the worst of the swelling is gone.

Yes, Dougy relaxed by the door! It was a happy day and he had no more trips to make.112316 use me dougy happy to be home.jpg

Andy was happy to see his brother again, then he hopped onto the PC to absorb some warmth.112316 andy in dark.jpg

It is Thanksgiving Day in the USA today. We, the kitty boys and I, are thankful that our health care needs are met by caring, competent professionals. But most of all, we are thankful we don’t have to see any of them today!

27 thoughts on “Post 1219: Dougy sees his veterinarian…

    • I had a quiet day myself, with a phone call from a blogger friend in Texas to make it a bit more festive. I did enjoy that one “intrusion” into my day of self-imposed exile from the rest of humanity.

      I am glad Dougy’s eye is better too since he is a real pain to medicate! Andy is a real (and literal….) pussycat compared with his brother in that matter!

    • Thanks, Persia! We did have a peaceful, quiet Thanksgiving, exactly what I set out to have. Though the traditional feast can be fun, I decided to skip it this year simply because quiet and lack of reason to leave the house so compelling as to do it took priority! Hope you had a wonderful day, even if it wasn’t a holiday there for you!

      • I’m glad you got the day you hoped for. Nothing wrong with having a peaceful and quiet celebration. I too, had a peaceful day. When Max is older, I will celebrate Thanksgiving no matter where we are, as he is half American. I want him to embrace both British and American values/cultures (with Jamaican in the mix!).

        • What a wonderful mix of cultures! I think that’s a great plan you have for wee Max, and I bet he turns out to be a very well-balanced adult, an open-minded fellow everyone enjoys being around!

  1. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, weggieboy and kitties! I normally prefer staying home during this holiday (it’s not a great one for vegetarians), but this year I decided I wanted the company of friends. It’ll mean getting dressed and bringing something to the table, but it’ll be pleasant. No cats, however.

    • Pretty much the the reverse of my holiday.

      I had a friend in California whose daughter and son-in-law converted to Buddhism, hence became vegetarians as well. My friend loved getting together with them for holidays, but the Thanksgiving tofu just didn’t satisfy her!

      I was vice president of Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union for a couple years or so at the end of the 1980s. Each Spring, we had a meeting (two and a 1/2 days), and each fall we had another of the same length at various birding hot spots around the state.

      The fall meeting always was held in the same place in the middle of Nebraska’s biggest beef raising area. The ladies who prepared the meals for our meetings were ranch wives who prepared meals centered around beef, of course, and the few vegetarians in the organization found themselves eating scant foods that met their dietary needs, bringing their own food, or skipping meals till they returned home!

      Once they brought this problem to the attention (finally!) of the board, however, we started offering vegetarian meals for those who wanted them and encouraged them to provide recipes for the ladies preparing the meals so they could better meet the nutritional requirements of those eating those meals.

      In short, I hope you had a healthy meal yesterday! I am aware, as you now know, of the difficulties people have with eating out when there is a vegetarian requirement or the guests are sworn carnivores not quite up to thinking tofu is an adequate substitute for turkey!

      • As I get older I’ve become more “flexitarian.” It’s a pain to have to fix my own dinner and drag it to someone else’s home to eat, and I feel it’s a bit rude to one’s host to reject what they’re cooked because of a matter of principal. (Our Thanksgiving dinner conversation was a bit flexitarian too—although we all voted for the same candidate, we made an effort to talk about other things and tell funny stories.) The meeting in Nebraska sounds fun, though! I haven’t gone on an organized birdwatching hike in a long time, and I miss the variety of birds we used to see in the Midwest. The Pacific Coast does have its own interesting variety of bird species, but maybe because our ecosystems are so specialized— high altitude mountain, desert, alpine woodlands, oak savannah, salt marsh and coastal beach—you see fewer varieties in a single hike. Our area does have a migratory bird reserve where we see a lot of ducks and geese; but no cranes, storks, or pelicans. There are native coastal egrets, but they live here all year around. I probably should join a local birding organization to learn more, though I confess I laugh at the guys lugging the huge telephoto lenses. (Yes, you get great pictures, but I feel like you miss so much experience staring through a camera.)

        I grew up eating tofu: it’s not something I want to eat during the holiday. 😉

        • Sounds like a good way to gather with family! In mine, there was a 20 spread between the oldest and youngest members of my Dad’s family. The older ones grew up to be more like you – flexitarians! (love the word!) – and the younger ones grew up to be more rigid and open-minded (they grew up in the Depression, endured WWII), so the family joke was that Grandpa said Jesus Christ was a Democrat up till the time Roosevelt came into office, then Jesus became a Republican. (Or maybe it was the other way around). Anyway, there were lively “discussions” when the aunts and uncles got together.

          One thing I like about Nebraska is there are lots of birds that occur only in the west or east that overlap here. Some interbreed, and those hybrid forms make field identification by plumage and/or song, well, a challenge! I think the bird list now is something like 408 species for Nebraska. The style of birding here is to drive all over hell and gone, stop, get out and bird, then drive to someplace new.

          I personally like to get out of the car, walk through a habitat and observe birds at length. I’ve never been a lister. I love locating birds in their daily activities of the season, and watching them at length. If I spot one nesting pair with nestlings, for example, that species becomes the one I enjoy at length for the day.

          I had a friend who lived in Arcata, CA, who was fun to bird with. (She died, unfortunately, about 10 years ago.) She mostly went out on her own, but mentioned there were some excellent birders associated with local Audubon groups in here area.

          My personal experience with such groups is I do best locating people who enjoy my slow and in depth style of birding, and going out with them.

          My friend from Arcata was excellent on shore birds, and I was her equal on riparian and prairie species. We made a good pairing.

          I had some friends in Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union who were like that, too, and I always looked forward to going out with them because there was no rush to count the most bird species with them.

    • I am not a big fan of large gatherings of people, even family. I endure them more than enjoy them. If I can find a small group within the larger one, I am fine, however. Anyway, though I appreciate your concern, I look forward to having the day with just the kitty boys and me! I may even take a few cat naps!

      • I am quite like that myself, but I understand most Americans are not happy when alone on such an occasion. So much so, that there even is a tradition of inviting people who cannot travel to their families.

      • I understand your thoughts on this. Since my divorce, I am alone in Las Vegas. My employers, a nice couple I work for, invited me to eat with them. So nice. My family is all back in Michigan. Not so sure I’ll be moving back up there. Have a great day!!

        • That I am! The lack of contact with others sometimes is preferable to dressing up and putting on one’s best holiday manners. I am sort of dressed in case some one shows up at the door – horrors! – but barely enough to be decent without a quick cover up.

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